
Summer Scarecrow Festival

Village Green Your Town, United Kingdom

The annual Scarecrow festival will take place on 24th May on the Village Green. The day will include a visiting fun fair, craft stalls and more. The Mayor will announce the winner of the best village scarecrow (by address) at 3pm in the main bandstand.

Council Meeting

Town Hall 123 main st, United Kingdom

This is an online meeting, see the public zoom link below Link to Zoom meeting.

Village Planting Day 12th April

Village Green Your Town, United Kingdom

The Council are thrilled to announce that the annual village planting day will be on August 20th. Interested participants should meet at 8am at the Village green. Plants have been donated by Greenfingers nursery but we'd also encourage people to bring anything that they can spare. The day will be lead by our head gardener […]